Johnny Lightning Classic Gold

Since about 1998, the Classic Gold series has been a Johnny Lightning staple. Originally billed as “Replicas of History’s Greatest Classics,” the series leans heavily on American cars but spans a variety of decades. This 1971 Chevy Nova is from the 2002 Classic Gold II R12. It has been out of the package for many years, but I still have the original collector card.

Johnny Lightning | 2002 | Classic Gold II R12 | 1971 Chevy Nova | calypso coral, opening hood

The next two Classic Gold models are Impala convertibles, fully-encased in the RC2-era plastic packages which allowed a view of both sides of the vehicle and the included collector card. This ’59 Impala convertible is from R41.

Johnny Lightning | 2008 | 53727O | Classic Gold R41 | 1959 Chevy Impala Convertible | dark blue

And a ’68 Impala convertible from R40.

Johnny Lightning | 2008 | 53904J | Classic Gold Limited Edition R40 | 1968 Chevy Impala Convertible | black with white top

Next up, I have two Classic Gold models from the Tomy era, when the packaging reverted back to a much simpler blister card. This ’65 Chevy Impala SS is from 2011 R19.

Johnny Lightning | 2011 | 53905TP | Classic Gold R19 | 1965 Chevy Impala SS | gold with white top

And finally, a 1969 Impala SS convertible from 2002 R27.

Johnny Lightning 2012 | 53717RP | Classic Gold R27 | 1969 Chevy Impala SS | orange with white top

I also have a Johnny Lightning Classic Gold 1965 Chevy Impala SS from 2012 R23.